Short n3 jer. Sementara menunggu maghrib ni, tengok-tengok lar web UTM. Jarang betul aku nak usha website ni. Hari ni terajin pulak. Sekali, tu dia, ranking UTM paling power kat Malaysia ni (among others universities lar). Shock? It is. Ingatkan hari tu yang dia beat USM tu, masih kat bawah UM dan UKM. Then, i'm wrong. Go UTM. Attaboy!!!! Hahaha Here's the recap:

Short n3 jer. Sementara menunggu maghrib ni, tengok-tengok lar web UTM. Jarang betul aku nak usha website ni. Hari ni terajin pulak. Sekali, tu dia, ranking UTM paling power kat Malaysia ni (among others universities lar). Shock? It is. Ingatkan hari tu yang dia beat USM tu, masih kat bawah UM dan UKM. Then, i'm wrong. Go UTM. Attaboy!!!! Hahaha Here's the recap:

UTM Ranked the Highest Among Malaysian Universities
I am pleased to announce that UTM has once again lived up to its mark of excellence after being ranked the highest among all Malaysian universities in the Web Ranking of World Universities. UTM has made us all proud after being ranked 642, leading all other Malaysian universities with USM trailing behind at 675, UniMAP at 745, UM at 878, UKM at 963 and UPM at 979. With this outstanding achievement, UTM is now the top ten in South East Asia and top 100 at 89th place in Asia in the Web Ranking of World Universities.
This remarkable success is the result of your strong commitment and relentless effort to aspire and achieve the best for the university. With your dedication, teamwork, hardwork and strong spirit of togetherness, you have proven that we can be the best if we put our hearts and mind to achieve our goals and aspiration. We have made it once again. My sincere appreciation and utmost gratitude to all of you. Together we can make a difference. WELL DONE!!!
I am pleased to announce that UTM has once again lived up to its mark of excellence after being ranked the highest among all Malaysian universities in the Web Ranking of World Universities. UTM has made us all proud after being ranked 642, leading all other Malaysian universities with USM trailing behind at 675, UniMAP at 745, UM at 878, UKM at 963 and UPM at 979. With this outstanding achievement, UTM is now the top ten in South East Asia and top 100 at 89th place in Asia in the Web Ranking of World Universities.
This remarkable success is the result of your strong commitment and relentless effort to aspire and achieve the best for the university. With your dedication, teamwork, hardwork and strong spirit of togetherness, you have proven that we can be the best if we put our hearts and mind to achieve our goals and aspiration. We have made it once again. My sincere appreciation and utmost gratitude to all of you. Together we can make a difference. WELL DONE!!!
Vice-Chancellor Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Macam tak percaya kan? Believe it or not, doesnt matter. Tha matter is, kita dan archieve what we're aiming for. Hahaha Very proud (although i'm not too proub before hehe). Teringat tahun lepas baru buat kajian pasal UTM ranking among other universities in the World. Kita berbaloi lar kita punya usaha guys. Well Done UTM!!! Now i'm proud being part of this family. Hehehe (Ni yang buat aku nak sambung balik kat sini, ingat nak buat master@phd kat u lain). Bangganya aku, ;)
Macam tak percaya kan? Believe it or not, doesnt matter. Tha matter is, kita dan archieve what we're aiming for. Hahaha Very proud (although i'm not too proub before hehe). Teringat tahun lepas baru buat kajian pasal UTM ranking among other universities in the World. Kita berbaloi lar kita punya usaha guys. Well Done UTM!!! Now i'm proud being part of this family. Hehehe (Ni yang buat aku nak sambung balik kat sini, ingat nak buat master@phd kat u lain). Bangganya aku, ;)
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