Good Morning Guys!! (Dengan gaya upin & ipin) Hehe. So how's ur day today?? Hopefully with full of spirit just same as me. Hehe So wuts up with me? Nothing much. As usual, plenty of work, make my head spinning with this so not sure work, and i'm STARVING!! Of course. Can't wait till 1 pm. Its been like i'm waiting my whole life to it. Hehe Kidding.
As you notice (or not) i just got my blog title new name. Yeah, it is. Isn't nice? Hehe perasan sendiri jer. So, what make me change the title? Herm, hard question though. But i'm gonna answer it best as i could (gempaq jer, macam kerana perkara besar jer haha). So, I read the newspaper this morning and gut stuck at this one article. Forgot the tajuk (biasa lar dah tua) but this is very nice to read. Its all about how we should stand and speak what we have in mind. Hence, this is democratic country right. We have the right. But as long as we know how to use it properly. Not just we deliver everything inside. Just so you know, we have the RIGHT. So, when it is belong to us, use it. Use it without hesitation. Dont doubt bout it. But, remeber one thing, whether what are we gonna say is legal or not. (Jangan tak pasal-pasal kita lak kena masuk court). Haha..
So, samalah juga dengan bloggers2 out there. Our first intention to blogging is to speak up what we feel, what we thought, and what we have. And i believe there are many more reason we're doing this. And for me, for sure, this just for fun. I love typing. Please, i dont wanna be a typist. I just love typing rather than using my two hand writing. I respect a lot the typist. They make our job much easier. But for me, herm.. dunno lar. Haha what i can conclude here is that i love to express what i have inside my mind in here. One of the medium to i think release the tension we have inside. I believe in that. So, that's what made me thought, 'ok lar, i wanna change the title' hehehe. Itulah 'Dead and Gone'. Haha The old title is dead and gone.
Here anothe story. I'm not sure either this is hot or bad. Actually the story came out yesterday but i just dont have time to post in here. (haha bz lar konon). What's really hot in this world?? World?? World of sport. Hehe of coz KAKA. Kaka move for Real. This time REAL. Real madrid. Go real. (i'm not really real fan).

Real madrid have signed Brazillian midfielder from AC Milan. The transfer fee around 261 million tue. Ish..ish..ish.. Byk betul duit real. Just wanna wait n see what happen next. Whether Cristiano Ronaldo also will be following kaka step?. Herm.. lets us see together. Here another picture of Kaka.

Just one more thing. Hari ini hari bersejarah. Haha selalu sgt kutuk Kak Sarah and Renu yang kena photostat jer tiap-tiap hari. Tapi hari ni, yang tak pernah aku buat selama ni, 1st time aku sentuh kena photostat. Hehehe.. akibatnya. Ok lar.. so far setakat ini jer.. Babai n have a nice day!! Make it nice. We can change it!!!
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