Hey all!! Good morning again. Such a lovely day today (for me lar). It's right though, people said with starting our day with smile and we gonna have what i've got today. LOVELY DAY. Oh gosh, i love this day!! Wanna know why?? To be honest, i dont even know the asnwer. Seriuosly!! But i know, deep inside today's gonna be my day. Hahaha
Last night, i'm not having a good sleep. But its ok. I already had enough. My schedule for the weekend are filled with sleeping. But it just not that. It were always my roomates. He kind of have the habit like sleep talking. sleep walking and even snoring while sleeping. Everynight. Can u guys imagine that?? Huhu.. But i can deal with that. He's been my frends for almost 6 years. Hahaha i know inside and outside of him. Even his (eherm)... Hahaha i'm just kidding. Totally joking here. I'm not tryimg to embarraced anybody especially him. Just for fun. But i know, this kind of humilating but what's important here we know each other. Hehehe (jgn marah daus). Ish insaf aku. Jahat juga aku nie kan? hehe.
Enough of that. Something happened this morning. And for me this kind of funny though. Here the story. I have to come to my office by bus today. And this is my first time for me using this public transport (to work). So i thought, to make my 'journey' smooth this morning, i have to step out early, so early. And it is early and very smooth journey. Within 15-20 minutes (i think) i stood up infront of my office building. Yeah at first i think i made it. Arrive early and at the right time. But when i take a look at my phone, oh my gosh, its only 7 in the morning. And i have another 1 and a half hour before my time to enter the office. OMG, what did i do?? What am i gonna do? I dont wanna come this early. I stand there about 2 minutes before i made up my mind. Lets go for jogging. Hahaha Seriously though. Thats what i thought at first. Hehe But it is imposible kan? Then, what did i do, i go take a walk around, around and around jalan tar and masjid india before i sit at a restourant having my breakfast. Unfortunately, becoz of my "negligence' while enjoying my breakfast, i stop and take a look around, i'm not sure whether this is a halal or non-halal restaurant. Immediately i pay and walk out from the restaurant. Uish.. its very unfortunate for me. Huhu.. There's a little bit what happened this morning. Its kind a funny but then i realized, this is serious! This is a lesson for me. Next time, be careful when selecting the restaurant. Also for you guys outhere.

Here's another story what made my day. ROGER FEDERER have won the FRENCH OPEN!! Hahaha. Its totally nothing to do with my life but this is what i'm enjoying a lot. Its always about tennis. And Soderling is already a winner for me. Federer's ties with Sampras 14 Grand Slam titles. Its'nt amazing? And he is the sixth person alive winning all the grand slam tornament. For me, he is the greatest player of all time. And Soderling, this is his first major final and he's done everything he could to beat Roger. And i'm totally impressed with him. He were able to defeat Rafa, the best player in clay court and Davydenko my favourite player, he is the winner in my heart. Hehe Here the picture..

Thats all for now. Ciaw.. (sory if my writing is not up to the standard hehe.. still learning though)
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